Dick Calculator

How Big is Your Dick?

Enter your measurements in inches.

How to Measure

Comparison to the Average Dick

Length Percentile: 50%

In a room of 1000 guys, 500 would be larger.

Girth Percentile: 50%

In a room of 1000 guys, 500 would be larger.

Comparison to Height Distribution

Your dick size is about as common as guys of these heights

You would be 5 feet, 9 inches tall if your length percentile was your height percentile.

You would be 5 feet, 9 inches tall if your girth percentile was your height percentile.

Based on average male height in the United States

Comparison to World Population

1,969,783,641 guys on earth have a longer dick than you.

1,969,783,641 guys on earth have a thicker dick than you.

Based on world population in February 2022

Comparison to Women's Ideal Dick

You are 0.8 inches shorter and 0.22 inches less thick than women's ideal for a relationship.

You are 0.9 inches shorter and 0.42 inches less thick than women's ideal for a one-night-stand.

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Chances you are Her

Chance you are her longest: 6.2%

Chance you are her thickest: 6.2%

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